Borino: Equality’s role in feminism

"Feminism and women's equal rights are not about separating men and women, it is not about hating the other gender and it is definitely not about signing petitions to limit people's playing time at a public place." - Graphic / Yaz Shaughnessy

If you look up feminism on your phone, the first thing that comes up is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes,” but is that what feminism is really about in this day and age?

March is Women’s History Month. It is the time to appreciate the women in your life and the women who have pushed for women’s equality and rights. While there are women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton who was an activist for women’s suffrage and Malala Yousafzai who pushed for equal education for women in Pakistan and fought long and hard to be thought of as equal, I believe in today’s time that people, mostly women, are using the power of feminism and equal rights to demand unfair and unreasonable ideas. In my opinion, women are entitled to have the same rights as men, and the women who have helped us get there are strong, intelligent, and dedicated; but there comes a point where the line between equal rights and irrational demands comes into play. 

On March 4, I decided that with the little spare time, I had to go shoot some basketballs at the Rowan Recreation Center. I am far from a basketball player and only do it for fun, to get to know people and to pick up a new hobby. For the hour and a half I was there the ratio of men to women was about 10 men to two women. The boys were playing a full-court game and the other girl and I were there just shooting around. It was fun and light-hearted and everyone was enjoying doing their own thing yet all at the same place. That was until two young women came up to me with a clipboard. They almost looked confused and appalled as to why I was there. They shot a snarled look at the men happily playing their game and then approached me. They asked me to sign a petition to ask the rec center to allow 1-3 hours during the day to have only women allowed on the courts, so women don’t feel discouraged and nervous about playing basketball with men there. The two women went into detail about how women should not have to share a court with men and that we were above them. I was disappointed with their petition. 

Feminism and women’s equal rights are not about separating men and women, it is not about hating the other gender and it is definitely not about signing petitions to limit people’s playing time at a public place. I kindly declined their offer to sign the petition and let the thought of women feeling like they cannot do activities in the same vicinity as men bother me to my core.

Feminism is getting to a point where it is not about equality anymore. It is about women looking for ways to have full control over different aspects of their lives and other people’s lives. Now, I will admit it was extremely intimidating going onto a basketball court with sloppy technique and barely hitting basketball shots from the foul line while there was a whole men’s game on the right side of me showcasing perfect form, dribbling patterns that made my eyes cross and terms being shouted that I have never even heard of. I did not let it stop me, I had fun, got active, and was able to showcase my equal rights as a woman by being on the court and doing what I wanted as well as the men on the court.

The simple act of the girls asking me to sign the petition showed that their mindset was not what feminism was about. As a young adult woman, it scares me to think that women are feeling inferior, or entitled towards men which is not the correct mindset to have. We need to be strong, fearless, dedicated, and fair. I love the idea of women sticking together and working hard to feel and stay equal, but separating ourselves from men and looking for different scenarios to voice reasons as to why women should get special treatment, is not only showing that women are scared and intimidated by men feel almost too empowered and feel like they deserve more than the same equal rights that everyone follows and deserves. 

I believe that there needs to be a prescient set for women where we are all allowed to voice our opinions and concerns while also being aware of what feminism actually is and how to determine the line between fighting for equality and fighting for one-sided demands that are not equal or fair for men and women. By not signing the petition I proved that I was equal and was able to do what I wanted as equally as men. I showcased the proper idea of women’s rights, unlike what the petition was doing.

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  1. Dear Christa Borino,

    I hope this finds you well. I wanted to reach out to you today, after scanning the internet, I came across this article on “Feminism” you wrote. A topic that is close to my heart and, I believe, essential for our collective progress as a society: feminism and women’s rights.

    As a passionate advocate for women’s empowerment, I am deeply committed to exploring new avenues to facilitate lasting change, both internally and externally. I’m excited to share with you a concept that lies at the heart of my work: healing from within, starting with our generational bloodline.

    Healing the wounds of our generational bloodline is not just about addressing our struggles; it’s about dismantling the structures of oppression that have plagued women for centuries. It’s about reclaiming our power and rewriting the narratives that have confined us to narrow roles and expectations.

    For far too long, women have carried the burden of inherited beliefs and traumas passed down through generations. These beliefs, often deeply ingrained in our psyche, shape how we perceive ourselves, the world, and our roles within society. They can manifest as self-doubt, fear, and limitations that hold us back from realizing our full potential.

    Women have been long constrained by societal expectations, limiting beliefs, and predefined roles that have been imposed upon them. While progress has undoubtedly been made in recent decades, there is still much work to be done to achieve true gender equality.

    Ultimately, by empowering women from within, we create a ripple effect that extends outward, transforming not only individual lives but also society as a whole.

    While my response to your article might not match your anticipations precisely, I’m reaching out to articulate my perspectives and my approach to supporting women globally.

    With this goal in mind, if you wish to delve deeper into my methods for aiding and empowering women to break free from societal constraints, please feel free to reach out to me via my private email:

    Yours sincerely,
    Shirley Robertson
