Student Center gets steamy for RAH’s “Night of Sex”

Aerial dancer preforms at Night of Sex. - Staff Writer / Sophia Fandino

On Friday, Rowan After Hours (RAH) hosted the “Night of Sex” at the Chamberlain Student Center, in which Rowan students of all years came together for a series of activities, DIYs, games, and food. The room was chock full of students of all different backgrounds, coming to celebrate and enjoy the night.

“We’ll have two rounds of sex toy trivia where you can actually win Rowan Bucks, we’ll also have a workshop with a sexpert where we’ll discuss redefining sex,” said Jessica Landow, RAH’s graduate coordinator for the event. 

The night started with a performance by an aerialist. Students oohed, aahed, and cheered for the performance, which was to the infamous sex song “The Take” by Tory Lanez and Chris Brown. 

“I came to this event out of morbid curiosity,” shared Madison Miller, a Night of Sex attendee and The Whit News Editor. “Our tuition money pays for these events and some of them are really cool like this one. I just saw an aerialist and I probably wouldn’t have gotten to see that if I didn’t go here.”

Over at the DIY station, students were given clay to create their very own sculptures of whatever object they’d like. However, given the title of the event, most students made clay penises, while others created breasts and vaginas.

“I made a realistic tip,” shared Elliot Silva, a Rutgers student who came all the way down to Glassboro to attend the Night of Sex with his Rowan University friends. 

“We saw ‘Night of Sex’ on the school calendar and just had to check it out and now we’re just here having a blast making some clay penises,” shared Shane Gasper, a friend of Silva. 

The food bar, with the customizations necessary for the Night of Sex, included penis pretzels, loaded potato skins, and cake, all open to Rowan students participating in the event. 

In pending the sexpert workshop discussion, students could be found browsing through the various sex toys, lubricants, and games they could win, while chatting excitedly about what’s to come throughout the night. 

“I think it’s really great that there’s going to be a sexpert here tonight,” said student, Madison Trout. “As we get older, sex shouldn’t be something that you laugh about or get grossed out about. It’s normal, and really important for us to talk about it openly.”

“Especially because a lot of students might not have had a good education on sex,” chimed in Hannah Fultan. “Going to Catholic school, we were told a lot of negative things about sex as well as same-sex, so going to college and having the opportunity to learn more can be really beneficial.”

Trying to find a fun way to learn more about sex can feel awkward, intimidating, and even lonely at times. The goal of the Night of Sex is to help students ease those feelings by offering them the opportunity to learn about sex in an exciting and interactive way. Whether it be learning about what lubes you shouldn’t be using or what toys you could be, keeping up with sexual education is important not only for your own personal health but also for people who might not have access to it.

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