Limited-time meals, get it while it lasts

The Student Center dining hall. - Staff Writer / Ryan Schaller

Having the ability to order food that isn’t on the normal menu offers variety for college students. At Rowan University, Gourmet Dining offers limited-time offer (LTO) meals to students to experience some unique meals. There are a variety of limited-time offers meals the Gourmet Dining team has introduced from breakfast to dinner.

“We are really happy with how pleased guests are with the addition of Acai Bowls. [A] close second, Boba Tea,” said Jennifer Campbell, marketing manager for Gourmet Dining. 

According to Campbell, Gourmet Dining started serving limited-time offer meals five years ago during the 2019 Marketplace refresh. Being creative with the limited-time offer meals is something that the Gourmet Dining team takes to accountability.

“We watch what is on trend and also keep an eye on the street and competitors,” said Campbell.

It is important for Campbell and her team to change the limited-time offer meals.

“Every month. We tie in things like seasonality, current trends, our Feel Good Foods program, holidays, and more,” said Campbell. 

The objective of the limited-time offer meals is to give students something new.

“So, our goal is to try to provide something that they can break up their day-to-day habits”, said Campbell. “But statistically speaking, some LTOs are hits, some are geared toward specific crowds/demographics.”

Students tend to explore the LTOs at the dining options they frequent most.

“Probably Grill Nation or Sono”, said Joseph Greco, Rowan University student. 

An interesting aspect of the limited-time offer meals is some LTO meals have an opportunity to become a part of the normal menu.

“We don’t always have the ability to make each and every LTO a permanent addition, but if one does really well, like the Toasts, Acai Bowls, Prof Bowls, or The PROF Chicken Sandwich, then they become a staple,” said Campbell.

If Rowan University students order an LTO, then it might have a chance to become a part of the normal menu based on popularity. As students returned from spring break, the Gourmet Dining team has already uploaded/updated the limited-time offer meals.

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