Campbell Library plans for “Library of the Future” with upcoming renovations

Campbell Library will undergo renovations bringing new study spaces and technology to campus. - Staff Writer / Aiden Seratore

The Chamberlain Student Center isn’t the only big facility on campus receiving some renovations, as the Campbell Library has some changes in the works.

These upcoming renovations come after a long period of planning, with lots of conversation and input from the community being looked into to develop the concepts needed for the building phase of the renovation. 

Core ideas behind the renovation were developed prior to the Coronavirus pandemic, when University President Ali A. Houshmand and Provost Anthony Lowman tasked Rowan leaders with developing a plan for the University of the Future, according to Associate Director of Library Information Services for the University, Robert Hilliker.

“We developed a Library of the Future vision document that laid out themes to guide the renovation planning process: Academic Crossroads of the Campus, Temple of the Book, Innovation Hub, and 24/7 Online Research Services Portal. These are the four things the Library of the Future needs to be and this renovation will help take us there,” said Hilliker.

Big changes students will find in Campbell after the renovation will include improved study spaces with lots of new seating options, especially on the third floor with views of Meditation Walk, creating a relaxing atmosphere so students can study to their heart’s content. 

The integration of Rowan Thrive and the Technology Assistance Center into Campbell will also be coming, to bring additional student services into the building. These are some of the most important changes coming for the Library of the Future, and finally increased visibility for the library staff, so it’s easier to find and get assistance for research.

One of the core missions at Campbell Library, and Rowan overall, is to update and further technology to better serve students and faculty here at the University, according to Hilliker. 

“When Campbell Library opened in 1995 Rowan was a very different institute–in fact, it had only just become Rowan College and hadn’t yet been designated as a University. The growth of our student body, our academic programs, and our research–as well as advances in technology–have driven significant changes in the work we do and the services we provide in Campbell–and across Rowan University Libraries,” said Hilliker.

Some students who frequent the library are excited to have some new resources available to them.

“I’m excited for the renovations to come to the library because I utilize the facility and a lot of the facilities around Rowan a lot so it’s great to hear that more improvements are on the way,” said freshman Max McDaniel.

The renovations will begin after Commencement this May, and there’s a lot of work to be done, which makes it difficult to predict when the renovations will be completed, similar to the Student Center’s ongoing renovations. Hiliker said they’re hopeful that the renovations will be finished by the fall of 2025. 

“Being a freshman, it’s especially exciting to see that Rowan is continuing to grow and renovate to help the student population and I’m very excited to see what’s to come for Rowan,” McDaniel said.

Hilliker will be attending the SGA Senate meeting this coming Monday, Jan. 29 with a brief presentation about the renovation as part of an effort to gather student input about the impact of the renovation.

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