Spring Organization Fair allows for students to find their community

Students browse tabling organizations at the SGA's Spring Organization Fair. - Contributor / Sophia Fandino

Students of all years came together at the Student Center Ballroom on Tuesday, Jan. 23 for the SGA’s bi-annual Organization Fair. The room was chock-full of different clubs and organizations that are available on campus for students to participate in. The groups ranged from Greek Life organizations to cultural and spiritual clubs, encouraging the browsing students to sign up. Many clubs could even be found offering sweets and knick-knacks to motivate them further.

“Anything you can think of is definitely going to be here today,” shared SGA Executive Vice President Josh Zaharof. 

“When you first come to college you can feel a little isolated, but having a community with like-minded individuals that also look like you can help you to feel more accepted,” said Alaysia Coursey, Rowan’s NAACP secretary. “Service is a huge part of this club, so being around students that take their academics and service seriously and prioritize them has not only motivated me but turned me into a better person.”

The Rowan NAACP holds various events throughout the semester, often discussing topics like Black culture, and problems facing Black Americans today. 

The Navigators were at the fair as well, they are a Christian organization on campus that aims to cultivate a welcoming community and encourage spiritual discussions throughout the semester. 

“For first-year students especially, I think it’s so important for them to find a community, whatever that may look like. First year can be lonely so it’s important for Rowan to able to offer all kinds of groups like these so that students can find where they really want to be,” said Erin Kennedy, the Vice President of the Navigators. “Not to be dramatic but the Navigators have changed my life. I mentored through them and they’ve totally transformed my perspective on spirituality and given me an amazing community.”

MEDLIFE was also at the event, they are a non-profit organization that helps bring mobile clinics and developmental projects to lower-income communities. Throughout the semester they focus on volunteering and fundraising for service trips, this June they plan on going to Costa Rica to do service. 

A person sitting at a table with other people around

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Nathalie Yax at the MEDLIFE table at the Spring Organization Fair. – Contributor / Sophia Fandino

“I’m the first in my family to go to college, so it’s helpful for me to get all of the experience and volunteer hours that I need, but being able to physically go on these trips and see for myself what these areas are really like has completely opened my eyes,” said Nathalie Yax, treasurer for MEDLIFE. “Just hearing the testimonies of the people who go on these trips and how their lives have changed is something that has really impacted me, this community is just great.”

Trying to find a community at college can feel overwhelming and lonely at times. The Spring Organization Fair aims to ease that feeling for students by allowing them to browse different clubs and get to know new people. Getting involved in an organization on campus is a great way to be proactive, meet like-minded students, and discover new opportunities.

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