How Should I Spend My Snow Day?

Features writer Kariyah Bennett shares how to be productive during a snow day. - Former Multimedia Editor / Miguel Martinez

The weekends are usually the busiest time for college students. They travel home, work their part-time or full-time jobs, go to parties and hang out with their friends and significant others. 

However, the nor’easter storm that came through New Jersey slammed the brakes on those plans. Businesses closed due to road hazards and almost everybody stayed home. 

Here’s the question though: when you’re so used to running around and having plans, what do you do when you’re forced to stop and have a moment to yourself? What do you do when you’re snowed in? 

Although I did have to work for a few hours, for the most part, I was able to relax in my apartment which is something I normally don’t get to do. I made myself some coffee and hot chocolate, completed some of my house chores, and even worked on some class assignments but the best part was getting to snuggle up in my coziest blanket and watch some of my favorite Marvel movies. 

Some college students may enjoy going outside in the snow with their friends and having snowball fights. I prefer to stay in and have a self-care day. I was finally able to use a facial steamer that I received on Christmas and did my entire skincare routine.

However, my roommates had a different idea. One of them decided to spend her day inside the apartment creating TikTok videos for her page and decided to relax in her bedroom. My other roommate decided to spend it outside with her friends and significant other and appreciated the snow. 

Scrolling through social media, I saw tons of friends and co-workers posting snapchats of their dogs running outside in the snow. 

A lot of college students with emotional support animals were able to play with them in the snow as a stress reliever.  But if you don’t have a support animal, a snow day can be a stress reliever in different ways. I decided to work on my cooking skills, take the time to help organize my room and even listened to music on my record player. 

I’m not able to do these things often because of my busy schedule.

Although snow days can disrupt people’s lives, they can provide stress relief because you’re taking the time to relax and enjoy yourself. You might even be accomplishing more than you may have in an everyday routine. 

Snow days are also amazing days to reflect and give yourself tools to improve your mental health. Before the nor’easter storm came I had a bunch of plans that would’ve taken up my entire weekend. Instead, I was able to enjoy my apartment and take a much-needed break from the day-to-day events I have going on in my life. This snow day made me realize it’s a good thing to take a moment to yourself and just enjoy the small things and really enjoy the beauty that is snow.

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