Black and Brilliant Events Team Organizes Glassboro’s Second Annual Juneteenth Commemoration

A young couple listens to the Juneteenth keynote speech, given by guest speaker Nurah Muhammad. Photo via staff photographer/Nathan Morris
Keynote Speaker Nurah Muhammad gives her speech. She is joined by her son behind her. Photo via staff photographer/Nathan Morris
Sherry Busby sings the Black National Anthem. A crowd is gathered to raise their fists as she sings. Photo via staff photographer/Nathan Morris
A young girl gets her face painted during the event. Photo via staff photographer/Nathan Morris
The family of NFL athlete and Glassboro native Cory Clement – (from left to right) his father Steve, his brother Stephen and his mother Latanya. His parents both spoke at the event. Photo via staff photographer/Nathan Morris
Members of Rowan University’s Atomik Legacy Dance Crew. Photo via staff photographer/Nathan Morris
A young boy and girl enjoy the Juneteenth celebration together. Photo via staff photographer/Nathan Morris
