Rugby turns around slow start, sits at 3-2-1

Rugby ball. Photo/ Pixabay

The Rowan Rugby team is on a mission.

After a slow start at 1-2, the Profs haven’t lost in their last three games since and sit at 3-2-1.

Assistant Coach Dan Berger attributes this recent tear to a “shift in mindset.”

“These past couple of weeks the practices have been really rough,” Berger said. “We changed the practices to taking more of a military-style approach. Pushing until you think you’re quitting and then do it for the guy next to you”. 

This mindset seems to be paying off for the team as they go into their upcoming game against the 1-5 University of Delaware Blue Hens.

“We should not have the expectation that we should beat them,” Berger said. “When that happens, teams tend to play down to their opponent.”

Berger went on to say that they should focus how challangeing their opponent can be.

“We have to keep talking about the UDel of 8 years ago when they had phenomenal players and we’re a nationally known club.”

Developmental Team Head Coach Chad Puschel also said teams make this mistake often and it’s important not to focus on the outcome.

With the Profs on the rise, Berger and Puschel both stressed the importance of the rugby community.

“It’s such a good community to be around if you just sit and watch a practice or game you’re going to learn something because someone around you will talk about it,” Berger said.

They want everyone to come out whenever they can.

“You don’t have to know what’s going on… Bring your friends, it will be a good time,” Puschel said.

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