SGA meeting addresses courtesy in the community

The 2018-2019 Student Government Association e-board poses for a photo. -Multimedia Editor/Miguel Martinez

On Oct. 1, 2018, the Student Government Association (SGA) met in the Eynon Ballroom in the Chamberlain Student Center. During this meeting, the board members brought up a couple concerns that the townspeople and police officers of Glassboro have brought to Rowan’s attention, as well as concerns that Rowan students have toward the Glassboro Police Department.

Rbrey Singleton brought up these issues, wanting Rowan students to be more respectful and considerate to those in the town of Glassboro.

“There has been a sharp uptake in the level of ordinances and code violations in Glassboro and many of these ordinances have been given to Rowan University students,” Singleton said. “It is our duty and stance in SGA to encourage more courtesy in our community and ask the students of Rowan to be more courteous and a bit more cautious about what they do, and to remember that we are visitors in this town and we need to respect our neighbors, because they do a really good job of taking care of us.”

SGA plans on opening up a dialogue between the Rowan community and the Glassboro Municipal Council through an open letter, to see if there can be a better town relationship between the two.

In the first SGA meeting, Robert Emmanuel, president of the Rowan Student Investment Group, opened up a plan to bring Spruce Street Harbor Park to Rowan University by putting in additions such as hammocks, Adirondack chairs and lights in the Robinson green. This plan is still in motion but with a small change in that instead of the hammocks and Adirondack chairs, there will be swinging chairs. This is meant to give Rowan students a beautiful place to enjoy a comfortable, relaxing setting.

“I had a meeting with Dean Jones and he expressed interest that he wanted to do something more unique,” Emmanuel said.

This is a different take on Spruce Street Harbor Park that will create a fun environment to be in. It is something that will make Rowan University a little bit more unique.

Another addition to Rowan’s campus that was brought up in the meeting is bike maintenance stations. There are a lot of students using bikes to get around campus. This idea was brought to the board and is starting to be put in motion. These maintenance stations will include air pumps to help out the students should their tired need re-inflation.

These changes will hopefully bring about a better environment for the Rowan community, as well as work as a bridge to creating a better relationship with the Glassboro community.

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