Summertime Crimes: Glassboro officer assaulted by Rowan partygoer, plus student expelled for hacking

Glassboro Police Deprtment Logo. -Glassboro Police Department Facebook page

Glassboro Police Officer Punched in Face– On Saturday, Sept. 1, Glassboro police were conducting a foot patrol in the area of Normal Blvd when they came across a large crowd in front of a Rowan fraternity house.  The house was hosting a college party and, according to the police report, the large crowd was an aftermath of an altercation that had just taken place. The officers stepped in to disperse the crowd when Joseph Morroni, 20 years old of Voorhees, punched one of the officers in the face.

Morroni was taken to police headquarters and his charges were placed on a no-bail warrant.  He was charged with aggravated assault on police, resisting arrest, obstruction, and disorderly conduct.  He was placed in Salem County Jail and is now out of custody due to a court order release.

Hacker Expelled– As reported by, biological sciences major Kaustubh Shroff was caught breaking into school offices in order to install keylogger software on computers and steal login information for staff. The break-in was done in order to change grades.

Shroff has been expelled from the university and pleaded guilty to third-degree computer charges in a plea deal.

Additional reporting by Joseph Gramigna.

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