Editorial: Keeping up with the news is important

-Photo from pixabay.com

Between midterms, snow days and spring break, it’s been easier lately to fall out with what’s the latest in news. But keeping up with the news is just another chance to be an active participant in change.

Here’s some of the latest:

A man named Mark Anthony Conditt was accused of a series of bombings in Austin, Texas area. He has since killed himself. He allegedly delivered packages to victims who would open them, they would subsequently explode.

There was a shooting in Maryland. He shot two people. The gun the shooter used was legally owned by the shooter’s father.

Finally, there was an active shooter inside a Panera Bread in Princeton, New Jersey on March 20. Police were forced to shoot the man after they were unable to convince him to surrender peacefully.

It’s been said a million times: When will the shootings stop? That’s perhaps some of the reason many turn off their notifications — constantly hearing about gun control and gun laws can get exhausting. Reading about shooting after shooting is depressing and tragic.

However, knowledge of these recent three events is paramount to the conversation. Look at the one in Princeton. No one else was hurt, and the shooter was the only one who was left dead. But it’s so close to home, in our own state.

We are not exempt and should not feel removed from shootings that have been happening everywhere throughout the country. Conversations about gun laws are happening not to deliberately further the political divide. On the contrary, they are happening because these tragic events are finally calling United States citizens to action.

A mental health problem or gun problem? It seems no one has the perfect answer. But the fact we continue to land on both things is significant.

College students often underestimate the power we can have toward fixing the problem. Midterm elections are coming up more quickly than we realize. A “March For Our Lives” demonstration is happening this weekend.

Our generation has a notable ability to influence our own futures. Our numbers equal those of older generations if all of us would go out and vote.

Those notions that millennials don’t keep up — let’s fight against that. It’s depressing, but when that CNN article pops up on your phone, read it. Taking the time to at least read a few paragraphs helps us understand why conversations we deem as “too political” are happening. They’re vital to creating change and as relevant as ever.

Please, just take the time to read the news.

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