Chamberlain Student Center officially rebrands as SCCA

Ambre McKenna, the program assistant for the SCCA info desk cuts the ribbon, dedicating the new facility on SCCA Day, Jan. 16, 2018. -News Editor Matt Kass

Over the past summer and into the fall semester the Chamberlain Student Center and the Office of Student Activities began the process of merging internally. Some of the more recent changes included merging the websites and social media for both offices, as well as rolling out a new name and identity, the Chamberlain Student Center and Campus Activities (SCCA).

On Tuesday, that new identity was revealed in front of students for the first time at an event called SCCA Day. Students were treated to free hot chocolate and massages, as well as other events throughout the day, including performances at Profs Place and a movie in the Eynon Ballroom during the evening.

For Megan McHugh, the Assistant Director for Special Events and Service Areas at SCCA, this event was the culmination of her planning. She is excited by the outcome but is already looking forward to the future.

“I’m definitely very excited,” McHugh said. “It’s been very positive for our team to merge, for our students who work within the two departments that are now being one, they kind of accepted the change right away, jumped on board with us. So now we have a larger team, [and] definitely in this case, bigger is better.”

Al Pelose was one of those students working at the event. The junior promotion and wellness management major was helping to hand out flyers informing students of upcoming events in the next week. Pelose was happy with the event and said her favorite thing was how well the two formerly separate offices were working together.

“I think it’s awesome,” Pelose said. “I think it really came together. Since we’re all working in the same building, it’s nice to actually know personally the faces that you see around, not just people you walk by, but actually working together with them.”

The main portion of the event ended with a ribbon cutting that officially opened the new Information Desk.

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