UPDATE: Rowan to proceed with cuts to 3/4 time faculty

"2021 to 2023, Rowan University’s tuition has increased by 4%." - Previous Photo Editor/Amanda Palma

Rowan University will soon be eliminating 224 three-quarter time faculty positions in favor of 125 full-time positions, as discussed in a meeting with Provost James Newell and American Federation of Teachers 2373 President and Public Relations Professor Joe Basso.

As previously reported, for the past six years, Rowan has grown at a rapid rate that required people to fill positions otherwise taken by full-time or tenured faculty. Hence, about 224 three-quarter time faculty work at the university. They are paid an annual salary but receive no benefits and have to reapply for the position every year. 

To replace three-quarter time positions, the university created 125 fully-benefited full-time lecturer positions not on the tenure track, meaning about 100 or more people will lose their jobs.

“It’s really hard because I know real people are involved in this and I see people’s faces in our meetings,” Basso said. “At least for those 125 right now, I can protect them a little more. There’s going to be a level of permanency. That’s the important thing to do.”

“I hope the people displaced fall into a better situation,” he added.

Over the next three years, three-quarter time faculty will be phased out and replaced with full-time faculty. To be considered for a full-time faculty position, applicants must have at least a Master’s degree. Newly hired full-time faculty members will enter at pay range 18 step 4, which amounts to about $51,000 a year.

Current three-quarter time faculty members not being rehired for fall 2018 will be notified by February of 2018.

The 125 full-time positions will not be enough professors to teach the current course load demand at Rowan. About 77 percent of the new full-time faculty will need to teach one additional course, for which they will be compensated for, to make up for fewer faculty members. Courses not taught by full-time faculty will be taught by adjuncts.

In the future, Rowan plans on hiring more full-time and tenure-track faculty, but this is what the budget can afford now.

“This is just a starting point,” Basso said.

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