Student robbed near Chestnut Hall

"2021 to 2023, Rowan University’s tuition has increased by 4%." - Previous Photo Editor/Amanda Palma

Rowan sent an email out today alerting students of a robbery that took place near Chestnut Hall and the Edgewood Park Apartments around 2:30 p.m. According to the email, a male student was assaulted and robbed of his backpack by three males. During the assault, the suspects did not brandish any weapons.

The email went on to say that one of the suspects was wearing a black hoodie, another was wearing a black jacket, and the third was wearing a combination of black and grey clothing. After robbing the victim, the suspects fled from the area in an unknown direction.

Responding to a request for comment, Rowan University spokesman Joe Cardona said that whenever an assault occurs, Rowan attempts to send out an email alert as soon as possible to keep students informed and safe.

The story will be updated as more information becomes available.

UPDATE: The suspects have been identified and police are currently apprehending them, according to a follow-up email sent out to the Rowan community. According to Cardona, the incident originated from a dispute that had occurred.

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