September 23-October 22

This week’s full moon is in your zone of relationships, Libra. This is a prime time to address the important relationships in your life, romantic and platonic. Be true to your feelings, because time is moving fast for you during this final week of the sun in your sign.


October 23-November 21

Everything will soon be under control, Scorpio. As midterms approach, this is an important time to clear your head. At the end of this weekend, the sun will move into your sign and give you a much needed energy boost!


November 22-December 21

Searching for love, Sagittarius? This week is right for romance, just be sure you know what you’re looking for. However, disagreements among friends may kill your vibe this week. Don’t let that drag you down. You’re in the swing of things, so embrace it and don’t forget to relax.


December 22-January 19

This is going to be a dramatic week for you, Capricorn. If you’re registering for classes, get ready for the fight to the death at 7 a.m. of your registration-opening day. Just remember, when the sun moves into Scorpio, it’ll be all about adventure, and the drama will die down.


January 20-February 18

If you’ve had big ideas brewing, now is the time to make your move, Aquarius. There may be bumps in the road, but never lose sight of the big picture. This weekend, you may find you have all the resources you need; be on the lookout for signs in strange places.


February 19-March 20

A lot is going on this week, Pisces. With midterms and spring registration, there are bound to be ups and downs. Go with the flow and don’t stress out. Don’t let minor setbacks get you down. Excitement and fun are on their way in the coming weeks.


March 21-April 19

Try to keep calm this week, Aries. Don’t let anybody — not even a boss or a friend — stress you out. You’re already tense from schoolwork, but this isn’t the time to slack off. Don’t worry, though, everything will work out in the long run.


April 20-May 20

Things are going to take an unexpected turn for you, Taurus. Don’t let that freak you out, though, because it will be of benefit to you. You’ve been working hard and it’s time to enjoy your college years. This could also be a good time for your love life.


May 21-June 20

Be more open, Gemini. The full moon this week brings new people into your life, so welcome them with open arms. However, you’ve been all over the place lately. Thanks to the sun moving into Scorpio, you’ll soon have everything under control, and it will be smooth sailing from here on out.


June 21-July 22

It’s time to make some bold choices, Cancer. You’re in-tune with your feelings, so now is the time for taking control. This week is beneficial for your goals, and it will bring success. Bask in the glow of this success, you will need it during these coming weeks.


July 23-August 22

Important decisions need to be made about your education, Leo. Whether you’re a senior about to register for your final semester, or a freshman selecting the path for the rest of your life, or even if you’re in between, it’s time to make things happen.


August 23-September 22

The power of the sun is on your side, Virgo. Even though it’s moving to Scorpio, this energy is boosting your social life. If you’re involved in clubs, give extra attention to details. Try to branch out and make new friends. Don’t stick to your same circle, open it up to new people.
