Glassboro ends 2-hour street parking


In addition to the university’s recent parking changes, allowing commuters and residents to share lots unlike in the past, students are now no longer allowed to park on Glassboro streets without permits. This news came in conjunction with a mass email the president’s office sent in late August regarding parking on campus.

“Ultimately, this wasn’t the university’s decision. Glassboro actually did it, and we’re fine with it,” said Joe Cardona, a spokesman for the university.

Through this new policy, all streets surrounding the Glassboro campus are now designated “Permit Parking only,” the Aug. 29 Rowan email explained. Cars parked on Glassboro streets without a borough-issued permit are to be ticket by Glassboro police and will eventually be towed if they are not moved.

“The town has been easy on this so far,” Cardona said. “But they will start ticketing cars soon.”

Thus far, The Whit has interviewed several commuters who feel Rowan’s parking situation is not ideal.

While sophomore English education major Kaitlin Kortonick said she agrees the situation isn’t ideal and needs further adjustments, especially this year, she feels the policy to have students barred from parking on Glassboro streets is a good one.

“As a resident of Glassboro, I’ve lived here all my life for 19 years. It’s a shame to see the town you grew up in congested,” Kortonick said. “I think if students park on the streets it’s disrespectful to the community, so I can agree with the policy.”

When asked about her thoughts on the new no-street parking policy, junior biology & pre-dental major Loulia Al-Bitar said she doesn’t think it’s an issue at all.

“I’m having an easier time finding parking this year than last year,” she said. “I only have to come 15 minutes early. I think if students are complaining about parking situations they just haven’t figured out where to park yet or know of other lots.”

Al-Bitar has taken full advantage of former residential-parking lots, which now have been designated for both commuters and resident students. She believes this has greatly helped commuters.

Glassboro implemented the new policy partly because having students park on the streets was a security issue, Cardona said. Now, residents of a neighborhood will be able to tell which neighbors are home and if there is an unfamiliar car parked nearby.

“How much impact should [Rowan] have on a homeowner? Our parking has nothing to do with them and we shouldn’t inconvenience them,” Cardona added. “The policy is good because we want to be good neighbors.”

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